Exchanging Energy In Relationships

Every relationship in your life is founded on an exchange of energy. From parents, to teachers, to lovers to friends, every person you come into contact with, plays a part in setting up what is hopefully a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) energy exchange. 

Have you ever met someone, and after speaking to them for any length of time, left feeling uplifted, energized and happy? You engaged in an energy exchange with an individual who gave you positive, healthy and happy energy. They may also have been an empath - an individual with the extra sensory gift of claisentience (the acute ability to feel into people and their environment). Such individuals are often extremely sensitive to other people’s energy and quite pleasant to interact with - as they are hyper aware of your needs and how much give and take is going on in any given situation. 

On the contrary, have you ever engaged in a conversation with an individual after which your were left feeling drained, irritable and weak? The individual you had the exchange with likely consciously or unconsciously siphoned energy from you without giving anything back, or gave back ‘polluted’ energy which left you feeling lifeless. These people are (and rightfully so), called “energy vampires”. Many energy vampires feed on other people’s energy unconsciously, often by virtue of inciting conflict or simply overstaying their welcome in your presence. For example, a healthy individual will respect your boundaries and leave the conversation or interaction when they feel or see you you giving non verbal or verbal ques that you have to go. An energy vampire will on the contrary, move in closer to retain their hold on your attention and consequently - your energy. Energy vampires don’t respect boundaries of any kind and their sole purpose of interacting with you is to feed on your life force. 

Healthy relationships are built on the foundation of mutually beneficial energy exchanges. Picture the figure eight symbol of infinity, the masculine overflowing into the feminine, the endless ebb and flow of life force. Relationships where one individual takes more than they give to the other are unsustainable long term. The earlier the discrepancy in values can be addressed, the better. Before the dynamic of a relationship can be cemented in the neural pathways of both individual’s brains, there is a window of time where both people can modify and set up a healthy exchange. However, if the discrepancy in the energy exchange between two parties is conscious (ie. one of the individuals is consciously manipulating the other for emotional, physical or financial gain), the relationship is deemed toxic and unsustainable. It is better to exit such energy exchanges as soon as you become aware of the other individual’s agenda. 

Pay attention to the dynamics of you relationships. Do you tend to give more in some or take more in others? Do you change who you are to be accepted by certain individuals? Are you the one initiating most of the contact in your friendships? These are all signs of unequal energy exchange. Becoming aware of the energy dynamics in your relationships can aid you in living a happy and healthy life. 


The Ego Trap