Mind & Body

Explore articles on my favourite topics like mental health, sustainability, yoga and ethics, and learn powerful visualization, manifestation and self empowerment techniques.

Deniz Reno Deniz Reno

TERRA - A Natural Water Filter That’s Making Big Waves

Many people here in Bali - The Island of Gods, have already heard of Terra Natural Water Filters, a company founded in 2020 by American entrepreneur Christine Manson. Christine and I had a sit down chat about Terra and about life here on the island. In her own words, Christine told me the story of her incredible company which has caused quite a big splash.

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Deniz Reno Deniz Reno

The Many Benefits of Yoga & How It Changed My Life

The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. As I was taught during my teacher training, the highly physical forms of yoga such as Vinyasa (asana/posture practice), are actually considered the ‘lowest’ form of yoga. The ‘highest’ form of yoga is actually meditation. It is in preparation for meditation - to sit still and focus the mind - that the highly physical disciplines of yoga come into play.

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