TFN Talks with Carrie Bernans

Carrie Bernans

TFN Talks interviewed SAG Award winning Hollywood stuntwoman and actress Carrie Bernans, the fearless and multitalented powerhouse whose credits include Black Panther, Avengers: Endgame and S.W.A.T. We spoke about Carrie’s rise in the world of stunts, what it was like to be a part of Black Panther’s award winning cast, her charity work and her recent role as ‘Banshee’ on FOX Channel’s Ultimate Tag.

Carrie, thank you for being with us at TFN Talks! What inspired you to go into the world of stunts? 

I always imagined being a black girl James Bond. I speak 6 languages and loveee action…like every action movie…oh and I loveee Jackie Chan! I honestly didn't know that the world of stunts existed until moving to Hollywood. I've been jumping out of trees and swimming since I was like two or three years old..and ya know, practicing to be the next Karate kid. So, I've been doing stunts all my life. I just officially knew what it was and became passionate about it 3 1/2 years ago about six months after I moved to LA and discovered the world of stunts. 


Having worked on the shooting crew for the past ten years I know how taxing the long hours on set can be for everyone, especially the talent. In stunts, you are also often dealing with a moderate to high level of risk and have always got to be on your A Game. How do you deal with the pressure and what do you do to take care of yourself so your body and mind can perform at that level? 

Amazing question. Stunts is and can be a very high risk profession. So, safety is always a priority. I make sure that I get enough sleep the night before so I can stay in a grounded mindset and make great choices. I also ensure that I warm my body up and mentally prepare for whatever stunt I'm going to do prior to doing it so I'm safe and everyone around me is safe. Although, a lot of sets I work on often shoot between 11-16 hours, the great thing is in most cases, I am not working every minute of those hours. So, I keep stretched, calm, and prepared to go when I am called to perform. In addition, I think this is where training comes in. I have a mentor/coach Mike Chat that always pushes me to perform under pressure during workouts and classes/trainings so when I’m on set, I’m not afraid, nervous, or concerned….I’m ready to go.


As a stuntwoman you have been part of two major award winning stunt ensembles.  Black Panther won a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Award for outstanding action performance by a stunt ensemble and Avengers: Endgame became the honorees for outstanding action performance by a film and television stunt ensemble. What does it feel like to have two SAG Awards under your belt? When you decided to go into stunts did you ever think that you would be this successful doing what you love?

I felt extremely honored to have been a part of both productions and such an incredible team of performers, actors and crew members. I know that every project I work on is extremely special to me and I believe deserves recognition in some way, but to receive two SAG Awards definitely was a unrealized dream come true. Working on both of those sets was quite an experience and a learning curve for me. I grew substantially – physically and mentally. And when I got into stunts, I did not know what to expect. I just knew that I would be getting better day by day and wanted to be the very best even if it took waking up at 5:30 AM or 6AM and training for a few hours then working on other stuff, etc. I always strive to beat my yesterday self, level up, grow bigger, better, all of that. 


I remember watching Black Panther and thinking that it was perhaps, one of the most legendary comic book adaptations of all time. The sheer power of the passion and dedication I believe that everyone on that cast and crew injected into the project shot straight through the screen and into people’s hearts. What was it like to be part of such an impactful moment in cinema, and what have you taken away from the experience?

Being a part of Black Panther, was a dream come true. I always talk about how it physically and mentally changed who I was. From shaving my head bald, to training day in and day out on fight choreography with weapons and suiting up in the uniform to be the Dora Milaje warrior, the inner warrior that I was and have always been. It made me look back over my life on the many times I was courageous and came out as a warrior in situations that were not always in my favor. Black Panther grew me and pushed me to dream bigger dreams. I've taken away courage, confidence, discipline, focus, and more confidence in myself and the things I want to achieve. 


The world has recently tragically lost Chadwick Boseman who played King T’Challa in Black Panther. I didn’t know him personally, but many of my film colleagues knew him as a phenomenal acting talent and a legendary human being. For me and millions of others on the audience side, his performance in Black Panther represented something powerful and transcendent. Can you talk about your experience working alongside Chadwick and how you feel his legacy has impacted you, Hollywood and audiences at large?

Losing Chadwick Boseman broke my heart when I found out. I was in disbelief like many others. But since then, he has inspired and fueled me and my goals and passions for my career and me as a person in the world. For four years he fought in silence. For four years he sacrificed his own time and health for the betterment of all people, and especially African Americans and how they see themselves on screen. He has always been disciplined, hardworking, courageous in all of his efforts. I've had the chance to work with him on Black Panther and Avengers and volunteer with him , and he was always been cool, offering advice, and a few jokes. He was intentional and purposeful with how he did things and why he did them. He has made me realize that despite what you're going through, you can always find something to push through that moment with and to remember that you are a vessel being used on this earth. We all have purpose. And his will forever be remembered. 


You are a multidisciplinary performer. Beside stunts you are also a star athlete, actress, voice over actor, speaker and entrepreneur. What keeps you motivated and inspires you to achieve at a high level in everything that you do?

Thank you for recognizing my Multi-hyphenate career. What keeps me motivated and inspired is my childhood memories. Growing up , I saw how hard my mom worked two or more jobs to make ends meet. It wasn't always easy but I rarely heard her complain. Now, we didn't have a lot of things and she used to say we don't have the money for it , which was true. But, when you come from struggle, you learn how to hustle, and you set a standard of where you want to grow from. I've always wanted to give back in crazy ways. Touch millions of people and ultimately keep that young boy or girl that grew up like me inspired and help out where I can to help them reach and achieve their potential. So, what keeps me inspired and motivated is my want to change the world in a positive way. Be the light, and keep the lights lit. And my want to help my mom and family in tremendous ways…although they are doing fine on their own too. And lastly, I guess… I want to be proof to people who want to give up that despite all odds, there is always a way through faith, perseverance, discipline, you're why.


What are some of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome in your career in stunts and in life in general to achieve your goals? What has kept you fearless?

Some of my biggest challenges have been proving to others that this is not just a weekend thing. It's not just a sprint or one project but it's a marathon and I am willing to work hard and stay disciplined to achieve whatever goal is set for me or that I set. I think in Hollywood it is often known for people to “try it out” versus sticking it out for the long run. It's just like a relationship. When the going gets tough , will you get going or will you push through that stuff and keep going. I think what has kept me fearless is my faith in God and my confidence in myself. God-confidence. I also surround myself with incredible people that keep me inspired and is always pushing me like I am pushing them. I think your tribe means everything. So, I keep great people around me, listen to amazing podcasts, play motivational music, and I stay disciplined with training – even when I'm exhausted, when no one is watching, when I have a project or don’t…it doesn’t matter. And I keep dreaming BIGGER and BIGGER. I self-motivate myself throughout the day AKA known as talking to myself about the greatness I will do.  


Can you tell us more about your latest project ‘Ultimate Tag’ on FOX and your role as ‘Banshee’? It looks like an incredible amount of fun and skills are involved.

My latest project, the Ultimate Tag on FOX was such a dream come true. It was a dream realized. I got to play the role of the BANSHEE which is opposite of who I really am. My character lures people in and grabs their tag and scares them away…with a whole lot of athleticism and sass. Our game of TAG is high adrenaline, addicting, and the game we played as a child, TAG on steroids with a lot of parkour and cardio, and fun, I was able to use my experience from running Division 1 track and cross country in this game and some parkour skills I learned from my friends like Jesse LaFlair, Tavon McVey, and Yessenia. 


Describe an ideal day in your life. Where would you be? What would you do? 

An ideal day in my life changes constantly. Because not only am I a stunt performer, I'm also an actress, activist, sister, daughter, leader, trainer and so much more. I also have a new acting role coming up in a movie that I'm leading that is filming in December ,so I'm learning a lot of lines right now in between my busy days. So, my day to day changes frequently. But when I wake up in the morning, I usually say out loud “Thank you God for waking me up today”. Then I play some music that is inspirational to start my day off with good vibes. Then I may do a morning meditation or just say a prayer. And then I eat breakfast, take my vitamins, start my workout or go to set. My workouts vary from day to day with full circuit workouts and strength training to taekwondo martial arts workouts and my days on set vary as well depending on if I'm doing stunts, acting, or producing. If I'm not on set, my days are usually full of meetings and classes or moments for me to read a book for half an hour or to write for two hours or planning my next nonprofit give back. Also, I make sure I eat 3 full meals minimum during the day and snacks in between because I am constantly running around and burning a lot of calories. I sometimes end my day with a meditation or watching my favorite TV show after a hot shower and then prayer of thankfulness around midnight and off to sleep I go. 


Can you talk about your work with your non profit initiative CB Seed Foundation and what it means to you?

My work with my nonprofit CB Seed Foundation means everything to me. Growing up, a lot of nonprofits donated and gave a lot to my life from experiences, to clothes, to financial support. I always said I would do the same and give back in big ways when I got older and had the means to do so. My nonprofit focuses on three different things that mean a lot to me. One is children in poverty, two is homelessness, and three is education. My nonprofit does quarterly givebacks as well as in kind gifts throughout the year to other nonprofits and individuals. My goal is to reach millions through my work but also through my nonprofit. For more information go to

What is the meaning of life according to Carrie Bernans?

The meaning of life is to experience every part of life. Experience the hurt, experience the pain, experience the love, experience the heartbreak, experience it all. It shapes you and motivates you and inspires others. Your life is not your own. Despite what it may feel like in this sometimes - selfish world we live in. We're all here for a purpose and we are vessel beings used to help others. Life is what you make it. If you sit on the sidelines, you're missing out on so much. There are so many great things happening so hop in and play your role.


What would you want your legacy to be on this planet? What is important for you to achieve in this lifetime?

Wow, deep question! What I want my legacy to be on this earth is --- Carrie gave all she had. She didn’t waste a day and truly didn’t live for herself. She sacrificed for the betterment of all. I want to help transform people in how they mentally see themselves. I want to motivate and inspire them to go beyond just the standard and to strive to achieve excellence in everything they do. I want my legacy to leave people with the feeling that things will get better and they have the ability to do whatever they set their minds to. I want to directly and indirectly give back to millions around the world to help their betterment of living increase so they can create a domino effect and help someone else. I want people to remembered that Carrie stood up for those who didn’t have the courage of standing up or the platform to do so and educated as well as lifted and built. This question means a lot and honestly, I'm still growing the answer more and more and discovering what I want my legacy to be.


‘TFN Talks’ splash page cover photo by Cam Storie

Interview cover photo by Ori Media


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